The content and essence of the draft constitutional law explained


On April 12, 2022 of this year, Uzbekistan GTL Plant hosted a meeting under the slogan “This is my choice - this is my Constitution!” dedicated to the content and essence of the draft Constitutional Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan with participation of representatives of khokimiyat of Nishan district of Kashkadarya region and Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The event was attended by Umirov Abdugani Ergashevich, deputy of the Legislative Chamber, officials of the Khokimiyat of Nishon district, representatives of Nishon district Council of People's Deputies and the Plant’s personnel.
During the event, Umirov Abdugani Ergashevich, Deputy of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis, spoke about significance of our Constitution and the referendum to be held on April 30. In the updated Constitution, priority is given to the interests of people, ensuring their rights and freedoms, - said Abdugani Umirov. - Since the project was developed in consultation with people to take into account their proposals, this is now the people's document that meets requirements of the time.
As speakers noted at the event, with the draft Constitutional Law, the number of articles of our current Constitution would increase from 128 to 155, while its norms would increase from 275 to 434. That is, our Constitution is updated by about 65%. Conceptual changes are being made to 91 articles out of 128.
At the end of the event the officials called on everyone to take an active part in the referendum on April 30, not remaining indifferent to the historical Law that determines our people’s  fate and future.