Announcing competitive selection of the best export bid for its synthetic diesel


Uzbekistan GTL LLC announces competitive selection No. UzGTL-SMD-01/23 and No. UzGTL-SMD-02/23 of the best bid for 200,000-ton purchase of Uzbekistan GTL’s synthetic diesel for export, on FCA Free Carrier terms (Incoterms 2020), in the amount of 100,000 tons per lot shipped in rail tank cars for the period of May 2023 - December 2024, with an option of its further extension.

The price range is based on the daily quote of 10ppm ULSD in S&P Global Platts under the heading "European products ($/mt), Mediterranean, (codeAAWYY00), FOB(Italy), Middle price" published on the Goods delivery day, plus a differential (which can be positive or negative). Terms of delivery - "Take or pay".

Bidding deadline is 25 March 2023 at 15.00 Tashkent time (GMT +5).

Envelopes with the bids must be delivered by hand to the following address: 7-B, Fargona Yuli Street, 100060, Tashkent, the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Each Participant may submit only one Bid.

To receive a complete list of the Competitive Selection documents, please send a request to e-mail:

In 2023, Uzbekistan GTL Plant plans to produce over 1 million tons of environmentally friendly synthetic liquid fuel of Euro-6 premium class. The Plant will be able to entirely supply the domestic market demand for high-quality diesel thanks to its production capability. GTL diesel is exported under the announced competitive selection taking into account the priority of ensuring uninterrupted diesel supplies to the domestic market to all consumers, with no restrictions. Uzbekistan GTL Plant’s products are put up at Uzbek Commodity Exchange on a daily basis.