Among the employees of Company were conducted tests on the English language


In order to improve performance of employees of UZBEKISTAN GTL LLC, and use incentive role of remuneration, the Company held English tests on February 6-8, 2023  for the Plant’s personnel, and on February 13-14 - for the  Tashkent office staff.

In addition, in order to create convenience for the Plant’s shift personnel, it was decided to hold tests in the building of Global Education Training Centre in Karshi, on their days-off.

More than 500 employees of the Company expressed their desire to take the tests. Based on results of the tests, employees who show satisfactory results will be paid a salary bonus for using English in their work.
This practice, which has been implemented twice a year for the past 4 years, helps to increase interest in learning English among the Сompany’s staff and further raise the number of staff members who are fluent in English.